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  • 发表时间:2025-02-06
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本文摘要:Despite the advances in computing power, Google’s CEO Larry Page still feels there’s a long way to go before computers effectively meet our needs.尽管计算机的运算能力已获得了巨大进步,但谷歌公司(Google)的首席执行官拉里o佩奇还是实在,计算机要能确实有效地符合人类的市场需求,还有很长的路要回头。

Despite the advances in computing power, Google’s CEO Larry Page still feels there’s a long way to go before computers effectively meet our needs.尽管计算机的运算能力已获得了巨大进步,但谷歌公司(Google)的首席执行官拉里o佩奇还是实在,计算机要能确实有效地符合人类的市场需求,还有很长的路要回头。“You’re messing around, you’re scrolling on your touchscreen phone. You’re in a car and it’s bouncy and it doesn’t really work,” said Page, who was speaking in a fireside chat posted to YouTube on Thursday, accompanied by co-founder Sergey Brin and Vinod Khosla, former CEO of Sun Microsystems and a venture capitalist.佩奇说道:“你四处晃荡,手指在触屏手机上划来划去。你躺在车里,不时摇晃,它就显然没法用了。

”他的这段炉边谈话上周四被零担了Youtube上,当时到场的还有谷歌的牵头创始人谢尔盖o布林和维诺德o科斯纳。科斯纳曾多次是太阳微系统公司(Sun Microsystems)的首席执行官,现在是一位风投资本家。

“So, I think the actual amount of knowledge that you actually get out of the computer versus the time you spend is still pretty bad,” Page added. “So, our job is to solve that. Most of the things we’re doing make sense in that context.”佩奇接着说道:“所以,我指出你从电脑里清楚取得的科学知识量跟你为此所花的时间比起还是糟透了。我们的工作就是要解决问题这个问题。在这个背景下,我们现在的所作所为都很有意义。”During the conversation, the trio discussed everything from a failed sale of the company in the late 1990s to why corporate leaders need to take the 20-year view, and Page’s response to Steve Jobs’ criticism.在这场对话中,这三位巨头探究了很多话题,既有谷歌公司上世纪90年代末遭遇滑铁卢的出售计划,也有公司领导者为何要有落后20年的眼光,还有佩奇对斯蒂夫o乔布斯抨击的对此。

Google GOOG -0.42% , which spreads its expertise across a range of seemingly unrelated businesses, has received a lot of criticism for not being focused.谷歌现在在大量或许毫不相关的领域里连夜拓展,招来了很多抨击,指出它过于专心。Page said the company’s new ventures have all stemmed from its original search business, as the company tried to make computers better and more useful.佩奇回应,公司所有新的业务都源于它的搜寻业务,因为它正在努力提高电脑性能,使它显得更佳用。The company expanded organically based on users’ needs: People commonly searched for locations and directions, so Google added maps. Searches for content users couldn’t find multiplied, so Google added its “Books” feature.这家公司是在根据用户的实际市场需求展开有机的扩展:人们一般都必须去找各种地方和方向,所以谷歌减少了地图服务。

搜寻各种内容的用户往往去找将近很多内容,所以谷歌又获取了“图书”(Books)服务。What about trying to answer questions before people even search? The solution: Google Now.那么在人们搜寻前就试着问各种问题如何?谷歌得出的解决方案是:Google Now。“One of the things people have been confused about, people have been like what is Google? Why are you guys coherent?,” Page said. “It’s really interesting when you look at search just really trying to understand everything in the world to make sense of it to organize it for people.”“人们仍然摸不过于明白的一件事是,谷歌究竟是一家什么样的公司?为什么说道谷歌有内在的连贯性?”佩奇说道。“大家如果想到搜寻功能就不会找到,它很有意思。

它总是想要摸明白世上的所有事情,把它们整理得井井有条,清清楚楚。”Page and Brin both said Google would continue to expand beyond its core search capabilities, including investing in Android and Google X projects.佩奇和布林都回应,谷歌还不会在自己核心搜寻业务之外之后扩展,还包括投资Android和Google X项目。



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